
Women in Games Boston is a group for people who make games. We host monthly meetups, including presentations, workshops, demo nights, and lightning talks.

WIG Boston’s co-organizers are Adri Mills, Shae Rossi, Brian Liberge, Janine Dong, and Christina Qi. The group was founded in 2011 by Courtney Stanton. Our logo was created by Michael Georgeson.


We usually meet on the first Monday of each month, from 7:00-9:30 PM, at Intrepid Pursuits (222 Third Street #4000) in Cambridge. The venue is public transportation-accessible, and there is parking available.

By attending a WIG Boston event, you are agreeing to comply with our event policy.

Events & Announcements

All events will be posted on this website. Additionally, we have a mailing list, as well as a Twitter feed and a Facebook group.

Questions, problems, and requests to speak should be sent to wigboston@gmail.com.